Bull by the Horns

Copyright © 2009 Ernest Bloom.

Got the bull by the horns in the Swat Valley
and I can't let go. Decked out in Bermuda
shorts and it's starting to snow. I've
seen a lot of evil days, and I guess
you've seen them too.
Convenient lies preempt
justice, every gospel truth branded untrue.
Silverfish eat my book paste and rodents
gnaw the baseboard, time slipping at a breakneck
pace that no tycoon can afford.

Little turns my stomach more than genre
devotees. Jimmy lowballed the tragedy
when he diagnosed malaise. I
refuse to be pinned down by last year's reprobate
elections or watch futures spring uncomfortably
out of unanesthetized C-sections.
Grazing with the herd of amnesiac cattle
living by proxy in cable-glow, I'm
hard up, but I'm dodging the fat girl loitering
underneath the mistletoe.

What's with these people striking only once
the iron's cold and blue? Your Mum punishes
every good deed while the congregation
scolds you. All these unrighteous people still
alive; we'd profit if they weren't. It's hard
to be forgiving living with bones so cracked
and burnt. Your life's a humiliating
dream, your nightmares not quite so terrible.
Don't tell me times are fine. Plague victims find
leprosy bearable.

I miss you in the nighttime and in the
dreary daytime too. You could never say
there's a single thing I wouldn't do for
you. But every time I turn around seems
a dozen frauds or schemes arrive to poison
my best thoughts and undermine my dreams. The
moon is sinking in the west in leaping
flames and blood. Write something on my Facebook
wall if you make it through the flood.

1 comment:

  1. "I'm dodging the fat girl loitering
    underneath the mistletoe" laugh out loud. Nice symbolism with the Bermuda and Swat Valley and the bull by the horns. I sometimes wonder if ever there was a time without malcontents, or rather, such a vast gallery of reasons to be one. I myself often said, or used to say, that we got it bad and we got it good, living in the 21th century with all the corruption, wars, fear of WWIII and a poisonous morality that cherishes all possible hypocrisy. I see governments that stagnate men who fail to exceed their realm of booming techno music, fast food and anti-conception and they give a poor kid a candy bar on an annnual basis thinking that will make up for all the rest, make them valuable, thinking, shining examples of the Homo Sapiens Sapiens. But truth is, it's pointless to throw the blame on times. We are the times and it's in our hands to waste 'em or save 'em.
