Two Kinds of People in This World. . . .

Copyright © 2011 Ernest Bloom.

. . . .and we all know them (more by far of the latter than the former): the dyspectralytes and the panpollyannopticdyscrasites.

DYSPECTRALOSIS. n. A psychiatric fugue state in which the afflicted is unable to remember or accept that his or her own moral and ethical expectations and judgments are irrelevant with respect to the greater concerns, usually profit-driven, of the prevailing corporate behemoth which towers over all. adj. dyspectralytic.

PANPOLLYANNOPTICDYSCRASY. n. A severe adjustment disorder with mixed disturbance in emotion and conduct found to be very prevalent in the early 21st century, its symptomatic hallmark is the near complete imperception that all of one's freedoms have been expropriated by plutocrats and modern day merchant princes who are often themselves less frankly evil than merely weighed down with devalued value systems mimicking a form of universal moral relativism (e.g., if it's good for business, or if it's at least theoretically capable of securing me a Christmas bonus, then by God it's obviously good for every other poor sod inhabiting this depreciated and degenerate planet), their brains so addled with the same disorder that they are incapable of discerning that every word they commit to official memos is sheerest self-congratulating and self-reinforcing propaganda of no syntactical value or meaning or relevance whatsoever, who scatter to the darkest corners like cockroaches from the light of reason or any recourse to humanity and humane ideals. Those who suffer from the disorder imagine, rather, not unlike Voltaire's famous Dr Pangloss, that under the savage tutelage of the economic and political sovereigns and wolves who control our every thought and action, this remains, because it cannot be otherwise, the best of all possible worlds, and so pursue unto death a philosophy perhaps best generalized as: "party till you puke." adj. panpollyannopticdyscraic.

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